Sunday, October 14, 2012
10 foods that can make you look YOUNGER
When you have the money, a scalpel and a knife can reverse your natural aging process and have you looking younger, but then it's rather plastic. You can get that genuine radiance from deep within -- a little restructuring of your diet will let the glow stay forever. So here's the list of top 10 foods which will trap your youth for the long term!
1. Nuts
Rich in Vitamin A and omega-3 fatty acids, nuts are a rich source of nutrients vital to your skin. They protect it by forming a fluid, rich membrane in the skin that is moist and flexible. Hence, wrinkles are kept away at bay and the radiance is blemish-free. The fluidity keeps the skin supple and prevents premature aging.
Your pick: Walnuts, pecans, almonds and hazelnuts, chia seeds and flaxseed
2. Fruits and berries
Excellent sources of antioxidants, fibre,
vitamins and minerals -- nature offers us more than we could ask for, of
the aforesaid nutrients for flawless skin. While antioxidants keep the
blood clean and increase the body's nutrient absorption, vitamins and
minerals offer strong immunity.
Your pick: Raspberries, red grapes, blueberries, avocadoes, blackberries, kiwi, apricots, apple and pear, acai berries (also called the potion of youth), cantaloupe and prunes.
Your pick: Raspberries, red grapes, blueberries, avocadoes, blackberries, kiwi, apricots, apple and pear, acai berries (also called the potion of youth), cantaloupe and prunes.
3. Greens
Wrinkle-fighting antioxidants, vitamins C
and E and beta-carotene can be found in plenty in green leafy
vegetables. With their immunity-boosting properties, they also protect
against cancer, arthritis and heart diseases. Playing a pivotal role in
skin renewal and removal of harmful free radicals from the system, the
greens have a magical effect as anti-aging promoters.
Your pick: Spinach, beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, cucumber and kale
Your pick: Spinach, beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, cucumber and kale
4. Fish
Fish is a rich source of omega-3 fatty
oils, the components that play a very important role in improving the
elasticity of the skin. This effect further reduces wrinkles. Omega-3
fat is not produced by our bodies; it needs to be replenished from
external sources and is found in plenty in fish.
Your pick: Salmon, trout, herring, sardines, mackerel or pilchards
Your pick: Salmon, trout, herring, sardines, mackerel or pilchards
5. Whole grains
Whole grains not only contain antioxidants,
they are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, proteins and fibre. They
are also responsible for lowering blood cholesterol and help prevent
heart disease. And a healthy body will give you healthy skin.
Your pick: Oats, brown rice, millet and barley
Your pick: Oats, brown rice, millet and barley
6. Veggies
Lycopene in vegetables is twice as powerful
as beta carotene -- it contains antioxidants, vitamins and minerals for
skin regeneration, sulfur compounds (the pungent smell in ginger) and
other additions. These must be incorporated into your diet, owing to
their capabilities to fight free radicals, keep the blood clean and
increase immunity.
Your pick: Sweet potato, tomato, ginger and soy
Your pick: Sweet potato, tomato, ginger and soy
7. Healthy fats
Switch to healthier fats that are rich in
antioxidants. These fats act as a carrier for fat-soluble vitamins A, C
and E, which are extremely necessary for flawless skin.
Your pick: Olive oil, safflower oil and sesame oil
Your pick: Olive oil, safflower oil and sesame oil
8. Beneficial beverages
Banish all caffeine-rich beverages, hot or
cold, from your diet because they have the power to destroy the vitamins
in your body. The super-antioxidant EGCG has the capability to reverse
oxidation and inflammation of the skin, which appears in the form of
wrinkles, skin damage or scars.
Your pick: Green tea, black tea and home-made juices without sweeteners
Your pick: Green tea, black tea and home-made juices without sweeteners
9. Eggs and yoghurt
Rich in minerals, potassium and calcium,
these are very good shortcuts to a good rejuvenated skin treat.
Potassium aids in the growth of new skin cells. So wouldn't that be a
good choice to make?
Your pick: Egg whites and skimmed milk yoghurt
Your pick: Egg whites and skimmed milk yoghurt
10. Water
Almost 70 percent of your body is water
alone. If this hydration is taken away, imagine what your skin would
possibly feel like -- dry, scaly and malnourished. Water, the easily
available resource, can do wonders for your skin and make it radiant
like you always dreamed.
Your pick: Eight uncompromised glasses of water a day -- not too much to ask for.
Some of the most common ingredients you'll need in order to look younger can be found in your kitchen. You just need to look around, learn how to use them to your advantage and utilise them well.
Your pick: Eight uncompromised glasses of water a day -- not too much to ask for.
Some of the most common ingredients you'll need in order to look younger can be found in your kitchen. You just need to look around, learn how to use them to your advantage and utilise them well.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
The 10 Best Power Foods for Women
Parmesan cheese for strengthening bones: Calcium
is key for preventing osteoporosis (especially in your 20s). Yogurt and
nonfat milk help, but who wants them three times a day? Work Parmesan
cheese into your diet; its 340 mg of calcium per ounce - compared to
about 200 mg in cheddar or Swiss - goes a long way toward your 1000
mg/day quota.
Apples boost your immune system: Smart and sweet, apples are rich in quercetin, an antioxidant that can bolster your body's disease-fighting abilities. In one study from Appalachian State University, just 5 percent of people who ate more quercetin came down with a respiratory infection over a two-week period, compared to 45 percent of those who didn't.
Lentils build your iron stores: Low-calorie lentils pack about 30 percent of your daily iron per cup cooked. About 12 percent of young women have low iron stores - at the extreme, that leads to anemia. But one study found that even women who were iron deficient (not anemic) had poorer performances on skill tests than those with normal levels.
Broccoli fights wrinkles: "A cup of broccoli has 100 percent of your vitamin C-crucial for production of collagen, which gives skin elasticity," says Tammy Lakatos Shames, R.D. It's also rich in beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. This vitamin assists in cell turnover, so old skin cells are replaced with fresh (read: younger-looking) ones.
Potatoes pack healthy carbs: Potatoes contain a fat-fighting compound called resistant starch that can help keep weight in check. One medium spud with the skin will run you just around 100 calories, and with more potassium than bananas, potatoes also help fight heart disease by keeping blood pressure low.
Spinach is dense with key nutrients: This leafy green is high in vitamin K and also contains calcium and magnesium - a combo that may help slow the breakdown of bone that occurs as you get older - as well as folate, a B vitamin that helps prevent birth defects. And it packs just 7 calories per cup raw!
Dark chocolate stops stress and fights disease: European researchers found that people who ate an ounce and a half of dark chocolate - about 200 calories worth-every day for two weeks produced less of the stress hormone cortisol and reported feeling less frazzled. Cortisol causes a temporary rise in blood pressure; consistently high levels up your risk for depression, obesity, heart disease and more.
Mushrooms deliver cancer-fighting antioxidants: One study showed that women who ate just one third of an ounce of raw mushrooms a day (that's about one button mushroom) had a 64 percent reduction in breast cancer risk. Other research suggests that mushrooms reduce the effects of aromatase, a protein that helps produce estrogen - a major factor in some breast cancers.
Sardines fight heart disease: These pungent little fish are good sources of omega-3 acids, which decrease inflammation that can lead to blocked arteries. They also prevent blood clots that can cause heart attacks and strokes, and keep blood vessels smooth and supple. Three ounces of sardines have about 1.3 grams of omega-3s (you need about 1 gram a day).
Avocados: Avocados are high in monounsaturated fat, which has been shown to help you drop weight, including from your troublesome middle. In one study, people who got the most monos (about 23 percent of their daily calories) had about 5 pounds less belly fat than those who ate a high-carb, lower-fat diet.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
How to Increase Your Metabolism
If you're trying to lose weight, increasing your metabolic rate can enable you to lose more weight without cutting more calories. The commercialism surrounding "metabolism-enhancing products" has made it difficult to separate fact from fiction (or advertising), but you can find a few research-based suggestions here.
Understand what metabolism is. In the simplest terms, metabolic rate is the rate at which your body burns calories. Very few people have a fast metabolism. Surprisingly, overweight individuals have relatively fast metabolism because they weigh more, but if their weight is staying costant then their metabolism is not fast enough to offset their caloric intake.[1] The bottom line is that increasing your metabolism will enable you to level your diet and weight.
Determine what is influencing your metabolism. There are some factors that you can control and change, and some factors that you can't.
- Age - Metabolic rate decreases 5% each decade, after the age of 40 [2], partly because of decreased muscle mass.
- Gender - Men generally burn calories more quickly than women because they have more muscle tissue.[2]
- Heredity - You can inherit your metabolic rate from previous generations.[2]
- Thyroid disorder - Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland) and hyperthyroidism
(overactive thyroid gland) can slow down or speed up metabolism, but
only 3% and .3% of the population have hypo- and hyperthyroidism
- Weight - different tissues of your body contribute different amounts to resting metabolism. Muscle contributes more than fat per unit mass and, because it is denser than fat, muscle contributes much more per unit volume [2], but this may not be practically significant [3]. See "Weight training" below.
- RMR = 9.99w + 6.25s - 4.92a + 166g-161
- w = weight in kilograms; if you know your weight in pounds, divide by 2.2 to get your weight in kilograms
- s = height in centimeters; if you know your height in inches, multiply by 2.54 to get your height in centimeters
- a = age in years
- g = gender = 1 for males, 0 for females
- w = weight in kilograms; if you know your weight in pounds, divide by 2.2 to get your weight in kilograms
- RMR x 1.15
- E.g. RMR = 2000, so the maintenance intake is 2000 x 1.15 = 2300
- To lose weight safely, do not exceed your maintenance intake or have a caloric intake lower than your calculated RMR.
- Count calories by recording what you eat and looking up how many calories each food item contains (either on the food packaging or in tables provided in books or online).
Drink iced water. As with food, depriving your body of water can encourage it to "hoard" rather than "burn". When you drink ice cold water, your body burns calories warming it to body temperature. More than ninety percent of the chemical reactions in your body occur in water, so make sure you drink an appropriate amount of water.
Boost metabolism temporarily with aerobic exercise. Different activities burn different quantities of calories, but the important thing is to raise your heart rate and sustain the activity for approximately thirty minutes.
Boost metabolism temporarily with aerobic exercise.
Boost metabolism in the long run with weight training. Muscle burns more calories than fat does (73 more calories per kilogram per day, to be exact)[2] so the more muscle you build, the higher your resting metabolic rate (RMR) will be. Every muscle cell that you gain is like a little factory that constantly burns calories for you, even while you sleep, and revs up when you exercise. This is the only way to increase RMR, which accounts for 60 to 70 percent of the calories you burn daily.[7] From a recent conservative estimate [8] one can extrapolate that in one year a person with 2.2 kg more muscle will burn calories corresponding to 1 kg of fat due to this muscle mass. Young healthy men typically have 35 to 50 kg of muscle mass [9] so the most muscular men in the range burn extra calories relative to the least muscular corresponding to 6.8 kg (15 pounds) of fat per year.
Boost metabolism in the long run with weight training. Muscle burns more calories than fat does (73 more calories per kilogram per day, to be exact)[2] so the more muscle you build, the higher your resting metabolic rate (RMR) will be. Every muscle cell that you gain is like a little factory that constantly burns calories for you, even while you sleep, and revs up when you exercise. This is the only way to increase RMR, which accounts for 60 to 70 percent of the calories you burn daily.[7] From a recent conservative estimate [8] one can extrapolate that in one year a person with 2.2 kg more muscle will burn calories corresponding to 1 kg of fat due to this muscle mass. Young healthy men typically have 35 to 50 kg of muscle mass [9] so the most muscular men in the range burn extra calories relative to the least muscular corresponding to 6.8 kg (15 pounds) of fat per year.
Friday, April 13, 2012
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